Portrait of Tommy Reznyk
Portrait of Tommy Reznyk
Portrait of Tommy Reznyk
Portrait of Tommy Reznyk


A Life in
a Nutshell

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  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description




  • This is a milestone description and this is how it's looking like. This is a milestone description





I'm Tommy. I've navigated the world of graphic design, explored systems thinking, and dived into everything in between. My path hasn’t been straight; it has taken me through various cities, careers, and passions. Each twist, turn, and the multitude of mistakes in between have added layers, enriching my path and growth, teaching me something new about myself and the world around me. London, with its boundless energy and diversity, has been a classroom—a city that has challenged and shaped me in more ways than I can count. It's a place where the diversity around every corner inspires you.

I'm not your typical anything—designer, thinker, or otherwise. I've always been a bit difficult to pin down, jumping from one interest to the next, finding connections between seemingly unrelated things. It's this curiosity that drives me, both in my work as a graphic designer and in my personal explorations of systems thinking. I’m not here to claim I’m a master of anything. Rather, I'm a professional enthusiast, always eager to learn something new. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have more questions now than when I started. But that's okay; it keeps things interesting.

Life has taught me a lot about starting over. I've been through it more times than I'd like to admit, always seeking answers, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone to explore something new to learn. It's been tough, but it has also given me a pretty unique outlook on life and work.

Graphic design is my profession, but I like to think I'm more than that. I'm fascinated by how systems work—the big-picture stuff. It's hard to say what I love most about design because there's so much to choose from. But, if I had to pick, branding really stands out. What I love about branding is its constant change and adaptation. Its inherent versatility and ever-evolving nature make it feel like a dynamic entity, always in flux. It challenges me to use everything I know about design, zooming in on the details and zooming out to see the big picture. Branding isn’t just about making things look good; it's about creating a connection that feels right through a mix of design elements that speak to people.

This website is where I share slices of that journey—thoughts on design, insights from my latest venture into system thinking, or just reflections on life as I see it. It’s not just about showcasing what I know or what I can do. It's about sharing a piece of the world as I experience it, in all its messy, beautiful complexity.

If you’re seeking sleek professional slogans or a guru with all the answers, you might find yourself in the wrong place. But if you’re interested in genuine thoughts, a sprinkle of creativity, and the occasional insight from someone still figuring it all out, then welcome. I'm glad you're here.

Thanks for stopping by.


I'm Tommy. I've navigated the world of graphic design, explored systems thinking, and dived into everything in between. My path hasn’t been straight; it has taken me through various cities, careers, and passions. Each twist, turn, and the multitude of mistakes in between have added layers, enriching my path and growth, teaching me something new about myself and the world around me. London, with its boundless energy and diversity, has been a classroom—a city that has challenged and shaped me in more ways than I can count. It's a place where the diversity around every corner inspires you.

I'm not your typical anything—designer, thinker, or otherwise. I've always been a bit difficult to pin down, jumping from one interest to the next, finding connections between seemingly unrelated things. It's this curiosity that drives me, both in my work as a graphic designer and in my personal explorations of systems thinking. I’m not here to claim I’m a master of anything. Rather, I'm a professional enthusiast, always eager to learn something new. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have more questions now than when I started. But that's okay; it keeps things interesting.

Life has taught me a lot about starting over. I've been through it more times than I'd like to admit, always seeking answers, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone to explore something new to learn. It's been tough, but it has also given me a pretty unique outlook on life and work.

Graphic design is my profession, but I like to think I'm more than that. I'm fascinated by how systems work—the big-picture stuff. It's hard to say what I love most about design because there's so much to choose from. But, if I had to pick, branding really stands out. What I love about branding is its constant change and adaptation. Its inherent versatility and ever-evolving nature make it feel like a dynamic entity, always in flux. It challenges me to use everything I know about design, zooming in on the details and zooming out to see the big picture. Branding isn’t just about making things look good; it's about creating a connection that feels right through a mix of design elements that speak to people.

This website is where I share slices of that journey—thoughts on design, insights from my latest venture into system thinking, or just reflections on life as I see it. It’s not just about showcasing what I know or what I can do. It's about sharing a piece of the world as I experience it, in all its messy, beautiful complexity.

If you’re seeking sleek professional slogans or a guru with all the answers, you might find yourself in the wrong place. But if you’re interested in genuine thoughts, a sprinkle of creativity, and the occasional insight from someone still figuring it all out, then welcome. I'm glad you're here.

Thanks for stopping by.